How Instagram Is Turning Out To Be A Perfect Platform For Earning Money?

As we all are well aware of the fact that Instagram is one of the most accessed social media platforms after Facebook. Instagram has around 5 Millions of active users daily. Everyone knows that this platform is used mainly for sharing images and videos among family and friends. But with the change in time, Instagram is now used by some of the business owners. The reason behind it is the increase in the number of users for such social media platforms. And shortly, people will start looking for more ways that they can use social media platforms like Instagram to deal with the wide range of products from across the world. And at cheaper rates.

You may see that many of the eCommerce business owners are heading towards Instagram for selling their products in front of their target audiences. Using Instagram skips dealing with brokers to sell any product or service that will add an extra penny for the products or services that your target audience is looking for. You will also find that not only business owners but professionals are also coming forward to sell their services on Instagram and earn money. One might also think about the kind of services that can help one in using Instagram to earn money. So, here we are, stay with us and read till the end. To know everything on how Instagram is used by professionals and businesses to make money. You can also have a look at the outcomes that you may get.

Who All Can Make Money Using Instagram?

As Instagram is open to all. You will see that many newbies are joining this platform every day. And earning making money. But who all these newbies are, what they are doing, what their talents are? As an answer to all these questions, I would like to say that they are choosing a profession in which they are interested in. And are simply following their passion. Thus, you can see so many popular Instagrammers who are making money from Instagram by –

  1. Making people laugh with their sense of humor.
  2. By providing online classes on topics like – healthy eating, weight loss tips and exercises.
  3. By running online classes for programmers and for those who are looking to learn new kinds of stuff.
  4. Some people are making money using Instagram for fitness, where they are sharing tips to lead a healthy lifestyle by performing regular exercise, yoga, and a lot more.
  5. Various eCommerce websites are there that are making money by using Instagram to showcase their products to a wider range of target customers.

But How Does This Work?

Earning money from Instagram is not that easy. As we all know that “to every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. The same applies in case of Instagram as well. If you are not making use of resources in the right way. There are chances of not gaining much popularity and will ultimately end up making your account suspended for some time or forever. And thus, one needs to follow a proper plan with which they can start earning money and gain popularity for their Instagram account.

Tips for Start Making Money on Instagram

One can start making money using Instagram and following the tips added here:

  • Be an Influencer – An influencer is someone who can easily propose some brands to help by promoting them in your posts. An influencer is known to be the one who has made their online reputation by sharing things online. As they have created good followings, influencers do have the capability to convince their audiences regarding the latest trends. They can do this because of the level of trust that they have a built-in front of the audiences with their online presence.
  • Become an AffiliateWhen you become an affiliate, you can sell other people’s products. And start making money. Instagram is the best platform that allows you to make money. Affiliates make money through adding the tracking links and promo codes. They ensure that each click on this is converted into sales.
  • Selling Posters and Virtual Products – As Instagram is known for its visual contents. Selling photogenic products on Instagram is a plus point. And for this, one can sell their posters, drawings, paintings, animations, videos, etc.

These are some of the tips that people with a plan to start earning money using Instagram must know. This helps them make them grow along with the growth of their account. This also helps them in earning money. Hoping that this article would be helpful up to some extent. I would now like to end my article with a promise to come back soon with a new article on some new topics. Till then, stay tuned!

5 Hacks That Will Help You In Growing Your YouTube Channel Using SEO!


YouTube is known for being one of the second largest search engine platforms. Research shows that around one billion hours are spent on YouTube daily for watching online tutorials, new, watching influencers, etc. Being a popular search engine website, SEO does have a positive impact on increasing the success rate of your website and gain visibility for your YouTube Channels.

Some people are looking forward to gaining more visibility on their YouTube Channel using SEO. They should first understand that SEO is a slow but powerful process. And thus, it takes time to provide your channel more traffic. Let us now have a look at some of the best hacks that you can have a look for before trying your hands on growing YouTube channels using SEO.

  • Branding

As you are about to start using White hat SEO tips on your YouTube Channel. It’s important that first, you work on the branding of your YouTube Channel. You might have a question running on your mind that, why should you focus on branding first? Here’s the answer to it – Since that your aim for using YouTube channel is to gain more views, online visibility, and awareness. One needs to ensure that its online branding has a cohesive, coherent, and concise look.

Before we start branding, here’s what you should be clear about it?

What branding is all about and why it is important?


Branding is the term used for creating the design, presentation, and the impact that you will be leaving on the people who come in contact with you and your content. The best thing that is the most effective and influential thing is the logo. A logo is something that keeps you apart from your competition and other imposters.

  • Creating Video Titles


Now that you are trying to create an impactful title for your video. Make sure to use certain keywords that make your videos stand out from your competitors. People make blunder mistakes while creating the title for their videos. They create a title focusing on any random keyword. Using uncertain keywords does not have any positive impact on increasing traffic to your website. For using a proper keyword, you first need to understand how you can create a title with a specific keyword.

A keyword is nothing but a set of word or phrase that is used to identify the content that people generally search for online. There are some of the ways that you can keep in mind while searching for ways to find the right keyword. They are,

Thinking like your viewers will help you understand what keywords you should target. Try to use keywords that are relevant to the niche of your video.

Making use of Google to find the most relevant keywords. Google seems to be the perfect place that can help the newbies in finding the right keyword for their video to gain traffic.

  • Video Backlink Strategy


Video backlink creation is one of the best strategies to use Off-Site SEO for your YouTube Channel and gain traffic. You can try adding backlinks on some of the most relevant posts of your websites blog or guest posts. Adding a backlink to blog helps in increasing traffic. This process also helps your viewers to drive more traffic for your YouTube channel.

  • Adding Links in the Description


You can add clickable links to the description of your video. Although it is not necessary to add links, but it works well as a part of the link building process.

  • Using Keywords in the Video File Name


Adding a keyword to your video filename make a lot of difference. For instance, you have created a video and saved it with a random name “10041200556.mp4”. Before uploading, you have renamed the filename using the keyword “marketing.growth.hacks.mp4”.

This will help Google focus directly on the keyword that you have used in the title. This is the easiest way that helps Google find your video and boost traffic to your YouTube channel.

Thus, the above mentioned are some of the hacks that can help YouTube Channels grow their online presence. YouTube for beginners is a guide providing you with the right strategy for your YouTube channel. But be aware that each time you are uploading a video on YouTube, you are working to make your viewers get engaged, share your content. And all that you need to be aware of is to make sure that you are using these SEO Strategies in the right manner.

07 Steps To A Clever and Effective YouTube Marketing

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Maintaining a resolute Social Media presence has become extremely important for any business website for increasing their customer reach and engagement. YouTube is one such site on which you can gain plenty of visitors for your website. Then why not use it for marketing purposes?

Marketing on YouTube 

YouTube Marketing

It is a form of marketing that involves creating and posting videos relevant to your website to bring more traffic to the parent site. YouTube Marketing has become quite common these days due to the broad range of viewers available 24×7.

So, create great content for your YouTube channel. It will help build a large number of subscribers and viewers who can be linked back to your website.

Steps To Optimize YouTube Videos 

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Once you create content, the next step is to optimize your video according to the algorithms of YouTube. The following are some of the most effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques that help your video to rank up and reach the targeted genre of the audience:

1. The Filename of Video: 

You must use your keyword in the Filename of your video, just like you include your focus keyword in the alt-text of your image. It helps the search engine to detect the type of content inside the video file and find the audience accordingly.

2. Description 

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Writing a good description is the most crucial step for SEO. A search engine cannot watch videos but can crawl through the description text to understand the type of content uploaded. Since YouTube relies heavily on description text, make sure it is in-depth, includes keywords and helpful information about your video, and does not look spammy.

3. Video Title 

You must also include your targeted keywords into your title. Make your title at least 5-6 words long so that it becomes easier for you to accommodate the keyword within it. The search engine then shows up the video to the audience who type those kinds of keywords in the search option.

4. Tags 

It is not the most crucial step, but it does increase the reach of videos to some extent. Don’t add too many tags or it may look spammy. Avoid irrelevant tags too.

5. Encouraging people to like & share 

People tend to share and comment more on those videos which they find relatable to themselves. Create such a content that would be worth sharing. You can also include social messages or information in your content.

6. Keyword-rich Playlists 

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When you have uploaded about 9- 10 videos on your channel, make sure you group them into playlists. It helps to diversify the type of content you are uploading on your channel and tricks the viewers to watch similar videos. Therefore, include videos with the same keywords into the same playlist.

7. YouTube SEO Tools 

Some online social media management tools help you to boost up your SEO and saves your time in the world of social media marketing. Some of the most reliable tools are Socinator, Mass Planner, etc.


Marketing on social media websites has a tremendous impact on customers. YouTube is one of the best platforms for video marketing. Optimizing your YouTube uploads will make sure that your videos reach a large number of audience. Following some SEO techniques help you in achieving so.

7 Shocking Ways To Grow Your Pinterest Following



Pinterest is one of the social media, which is used by around 291 million people round worldwide. Most of you may be using Pinterest for business purpose.

Are you a frequent Pinterest user? Worried about not having enough followers and, not getting enough likes and repins on your post?

You are at the right place!

This article will help you to increase your Pinterest Followers.

Here are seven shocking ways to increase your following that you have never thought about.

  1. Post Original Content
  2. Comment, Repin, & Tagging
  3. Join Popular Group Boards
  4. Follow People
  5. Use Keywords and Hashtags In Descriptions
  6. Promote Individual Boards
  7. Run Pinterest Contest

Let’s discuss this in detail

1. Post Original Contents


The best way to stand out of the crowd on Pinterest is to make unique content. Around 80% of posts are found to repin on Pinterest. Make the content unique and let your followers repin your post. You can also post the following:

  1. Images
  3. Info graphics
  4. Articles

Tip: Info-graphics can help you in getting more repins as it is the better way to convey the images and information that attract the followers.

2. Comment, Repin, & Tagging


The pro way to get noticed quickly by others is by commenting on the popular pins, as, it may contain many followers and, many people can know you from this. By commenting on the popular post and, repining and tagging others, you can get noticed by many people and, in this way, you can grow your Pinterest following.

3.  Join Popular Group Board


You can get more following by joining the popular group boards that have many followers. Try to post good contents in that group boards. In this way, many people will be able to see your post and, more repins will be possible.

4. Follow People


Increase your friend list. If you follow up to 10 people, it can make much difference in a day. Consequently, in a week, you will be getting more followers.

5. Use Keyword And Hashtags In Description


Using keyword and hashtag in the images is the ninja technique which could use in making your post more repins. As using the keywords in the post may increase the reach of your post up too many audiences. If anyone seeks for a similar keyword, it will show your post. In this way, you can target a greater audience.

6. Promote Individual Boards

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People don’t have enough time to check your whole profile and read all the posts individually. You have to promote the individual post so that, more audiences see your posts and, you can get many followers through this method. Promoting your post to the other sites and, linking the Pinterest account to different accounts you can get, many followers, from various platforms and this works.

7. Run Pinterest Contest


You can run the contests in the Pinterest so that you can get more attention and, you can also put a condition that only your followers can enter the contest. Create a feeling of excitement in people’s mind. In this way, you may get more followers.



Till now if you haven’t started your business, on Pinterest now it is the right time to start it. Because growing followers in Pinterest are very easy and, you can also take your business to the next level.

05 Tips To Grow Your Pinterest Following In 2019


05 Tips To Grow Your Pinterest Following In 2019 (1)

Pinterest has become an excellent platform for businesses to grow in the twinkling of an eye. Presently, this social network consists of around 250 million monthly active users. This numbers itself shows the sort of consideration and admiration people showing towards this platform.

As we all know, Pinterest encapsulates the vibe of a visually alluring space. According to recent studies, Pinterest operates around 175 million pins and 3 billion boards on its ground. Due to all this publicity, the struggle between businesses has been growing with time to get successful on Pinterest. Therefore, stabling large following base on the platform has become very difficult.

Well, there are some tips which you can follow, so, gain large numbers of followers on Pinterest. Below are 05 top highlighted tips, which you can pursue to grow your Pinterest following in a heartbeat.

Easily Accessible Pinterest Account:

We have just mentioned above that how immense followers are there on Pinterest. So, it becomes somewhat hard for people to look for an account as per their requirement. It would happen a few times that people want to associate with your business niche. But, due to perplexity in between different account names may end-up failed to spot you on Pinterest.

So, the ultimate solution for this problem is to name your account after simple words or the ones which can memorize quickly.

Keywords also play a significant role when it comes to making your account available seamlessly to the audience. You can add relevant keywords in the description section of the Pinterest account, so, they get found with much ease.

Invest Time On Your Pinterest Boards:

People who don’t know, boards are set of pins created on Pinterest. They are a collection of outstanding pin gathered by users on this social platform. Not giving the required time on boards is the prominent mistake people used to do on Pinterest. Boards can do magic for your following, so, must collect them accurately and precisely. Hence, they will come across people in the most precise way.

Leverage Your Pinterest Pins Completely:

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Pins plays an important part when it comes to bettering your following base on Pinterest. For example, if you run a website, then it is beneficial for you to have at least one pinnable image on the site’s blogs. So, whenever people visit your site can easily redirect towards your Pinterest account. All of this will enhance your Pinterest followers in no time.

Always make use of high-quality images. So, people get captivated to tap on them. No one like to see an image which is blurred and of low-quality.

Quality Of Content:

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This tip is already in the know of people. Then only they left behind terribly when it comes to the execution of this suggestion. No matter how hard you’re playing with your pins and boards. If your content is not something which leads people eventually fascinated enough, then you can’t make bones about it.

Your content should always revolve around the trending and hot topics of the world. So, people find them relevant and take interest while reading.

For instance, assume if Valentine’s day is on the way and you’re content is about Christmas. Hence, think about it! Is it going to work for the betterment of your business? I am sure not! Therefore, stick with the trends while drafting content for your Pinterest account.

Brand Exposure Is Most Vital:

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It sounds passe, but all the effort we put- is to make our brand grow in a better way. Isn’t it? Brand exposure is all we want. High engagement rates are the mantra to get brand popularity in every possible way. You have to socialize with your followers as much as you can. Therefore, they feel wanted and imperative.

From posting great content to using quality images, all tasks are significant. But, if you’re not able enough to engage with your followers up-close and private. Then somewhat they may feel ignored and end-up unfollowing your account. So, be free to respond back to their comments. Interact with them, discover their favorites, and serve to the audience accordingly.

These are the top five best tips you can follow to gain an enormous amount of Pinterest followers in 2019.

Instagram Stories: A Unique Way To Boost Your Engagement Level On Instagram

Boost your engagement level

Wondering about getting popular on Instagram? Or desiring of increased engagement on Instagram in 2019? Well, don’t worry as you are not alone here! Almost all people out there on Instagram want to get there account to get a big hit. And for that they use so different ways, but have you ever thought like which way will work more for putting you towards that success. So, here I will help you with some ultra-smart techniques and methods which will really help you a lot to get your Instagram account to stand out in front of a thousand number of people.

I know you must be thinking of how Instagram stories can help you to increase your engagement! Well, given below are some of the tips which can really help you a lot to know how Instagram stories are helpful in increasing your engagement level and how to boost your account with the help of Instagram stories as well.

  • Get started with your conversations with Instagram stickers –

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As we are in 2019, let us think a step forward and reframe the method of increasing the engagement on Instagram. Yes, you heard it right! Today, Instagram engagement is no longer about just likes or comments, but it also includes engagements from your stories, your brand hashtag followed by different people, IGTV views and many more. In fact, Instagram Stories is really growing a lot, that too with more than 400 million people watching or posting stories every day.

Just because of this, Instagram has always been very innovative by finding out new ways for businesses/brands to connect or engage with their followers, with the help of different stickers and gifs. The Instagram stories stickers are really a great way to boost up your followers to engage or chat and share their experiences/opinions with you, which in return, will help you to create a loyal following on Instagram.

Here are the ways with the help of which you can easily get started:
  • Question Sticker
How To Boost Your Account

Nothing works better than having a Q&A round or AMA(Ask me anything) round with your followers. This can really be a great way for your followers to get to know about you and about your choice and preferences as well. So, what are you waiting for get started with it!

  • Poll and Vote sticker

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While it is good to have a Q&A round with your followers, your follower’s opinions matter a lot. Like what they think about your brand/business. So, poll and vote sticker will help you to know about your follower’s opinions and you can even get their feedback as well.

  • Try to write lengthy and elaborated captions –

Posting photos or videos on Instagram is just not enough. A good and eye catchy caption is also important. Not only important but very very important. By writing an engaging caption, you can definitely attract more and more a huge number of followers towards your account. And writing lengthy captions doesn’t mean that your each and every photo should have a thousand words caption. Instead, you can write a full two-line or one-line sentence without using only emojis only.

  • Optimize every Instagram story you post –

While the Instagram story is a great way to reach a thousand number of people on Instagram, there are even many other ways by which you can easily enhance your stories as well. Whenever you post any story on Instagram you should include those following three things, if you really want to boost your engagement and exposure.

  • Take help of the mention sticker –


If you are working with other brands/businesses, it is very important to mention their name, and you can do this with the help of the mention sticker. This will not only lead the account to get notified that you have mentioned them but doing this will also help you in building your community as well.

  • Add location –

Now, if you want to get more exposure on Instagram and want to increase your engagement, then you will have to add locations in your posts. All thanks to the location sticker, well most of the stories on Instagram are searched by locations, and so using a location sticker will really take you a step forward towards getting more publicity/exposure on Instagram.  

  • Use proper hashtags –

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Like previously we were using hashtags on our Instagram posts, now you can even use hashtags on our Instagram stories as well. As we are aware of the importance of using hashtags, so it would be much better to use proper hashtags in each Instagram story.

And if you want to add hashtags in your Instagram Stories, then you can type your hashtags (maximum 10 in your stories), pinch the text to adjust their size, after that place an image sticker or GIF to make your story look more attractive.

Increasing your engagement level on Instagram is quite difficult, so follow the right steps and use the Instagram features properly then you can surely get a great boost. There are a number of ways to grow your engagement level on Instagram, but if you are looking for an exceptional way then you must take help of the Instagram stories. Read the above-stated tips carefully to know the right use of Instagram stories.


How To Access Social Media Automation Like An Expert?

Access Social Media Automation Like An Expert (3)

You may overhear the very famous quote of the film Spiderman said by Uncle Ben to Peter Parker that “with power comes great responsibility”. Each word of this quote wholly applies to social media automation. Because it is no less than an extreme power that is making people do things with ease and much effortless flow. Agree? But there is a parody though about automation i.e. you succeed in maintaining a genuine vibe online even if you used it recklessly. That’s completely wrong guys!!

Automation is a powerful weapon that can make your business see the light of stardom in completely less time whereas it can also mock your business realness, if not get handled with alertness. So, in this article, we will talk about stuff and things that can guide you to use automation carefully and intelligently for your social media endeavors.

  • Make use of great automation tools:

Automate Social Media Posting
Automate Social Media Posting

This is the foundation and the initial step you should take in order to get everything right in relation to social media automation. Because, if you end-up selecting any random automation tool then would face harsh consequences of it. There is software like Socinator available online that can help you in a biggish way to get everything hunky-dory with respect to your business online. There are tips which you can follow to choose the best tool amongst the stock of numerous. Here are they-

  • Go with your instinct but be aware of the reality:

It is true that we are living in an era of influencers where we can easily get convinced if somebody says something to use or in short get carried away without much effort. But in case of selecting automation tool, you have to maintain self-perspective because one tool might work for your contemporary businessman but not for yours. As there may be a lot of differences between your business facets and others. Some of them are-

  1. Niche.
  2. Brand equity.
  3. Customer nature.
  4. Targeted audience.

So, things are different for different businesses. Therefore, choose best according to your business, not others. Check whether a tool fulfilling the demands of your business or not then only take the final word.

  • Price and financial attributes:

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Some tools might not get adjusted as per the financial limitation of your business. They may be very expensive for you to afford. So, don’t ever select an automation tool which is not your financial bucket as it can harp your various marketing strategies.

  • Nature and range of tool:

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many to utter are the most popular social media platforms of today’s times. Not all automation tool work for each of them. Some provide automation aspects for Instagram and some for Facebook and some for others. So, before choosing any software, you have to make sure whether you want to buy a tool like Socinator which is Omni-accessible for multiple social media platforms or someone who is dedicated to single social networking site.

How to automate your social media posts with a human touch?

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It is a most trending question of the 21st century as people don’t know how to balance automation facets with human manual touch. Having said that, you can automate social media posting by making use of these worthy methods-

5-3-2 rule:

  • 5 – posts of your social media landscape must be created for your targeted audience but come from other merchants.
  • 3 – posts should be a mainstream idea or reflection of your business. However, not give a feeling of over marketing and advertising.
  • 2 – posts should belong to funny and light-hearted content. So, people can feel deeply connected to your business.


As a marker or advertisers or blogger, you definitely have a desire to get great applause and feedback for your content on social media platforms. Right!! You can get it but for that, it is necessary that your content should live on multiple social networking sites. For this, you can make use of this software. It also helps you to maintain a manual vibe while making your content viral.

These are some of the best tips you can follow and make your social media presence look real and not over automated in essence. Social media automation is a boon if get used with all these welfare tactics.